2024 Recap: A Year Full of Achievements! 🌟

In 2024, our team achieved an incredible amount of work: we published several scientific articles, gave conferences, collected data intensively, worked to mobilize knowledge from our projects, and carried out editorial and academic work… 💼🧠 Each project and idea brought us closer to our goal: advancing knowledge in cognitive neuroscience of language and neurocognitive aging. This year was not without its challenges: methodological obstacles, tight deadlines, and unexpected incidents punctuated our journey. But every challenge we overcame strengthened our determination and enriched our learning. 💪🎯As we step into this new year, we take a moment to celebrate our key achievements. 🎯✨
Here they are:
- We published 10 articles in international scientific journals and one book chapter, and we currently have 3 articles and one chapter under review.
- Most of the published articles are accompanied by the publication of the associated dataset, embracing the spirit of open science. Check out our datasets on Borealis by clicking here.
- We are working on 3 other articles, which will be submitted to scientific journals at the beginning of 2025.
- Valérie successfully defended her PhD thesis in Rehabilitation Sciences in May. Congratulations, Valérie!
- Alexandre and David successfully fast-tracked to a PhD program from a master’s degree. Well done to both of you!
- Alexandre passed his doctoral examination in December with flying colors. Congratulations, Alexandre!
- Xiyue is intensively writing her thesis, which she will submit at the beginning of 2025.
- Lab students received 5 competitive scholarships from CIHR (Alexandre), FRQNT (Alexandre), FRQS (David), CIRRIS (Amélie), and Université Laval (Kellyane).
- Pascale submitted a grant application to the Grammy Foundation, with another one in preparation.
- Pascale gave 8 invited talks in Helsinki, Montreal, Trois-Rivières, and Quebec City at scientific events as well as events for knowledge users (speech-language pathologists and audiologists).
- Lab students delivered 8 poster presentations and one oral presentation at scientific events.
- We welcomed 11 new members:
– Jessica, as a winter research intern;
– Évelyne, as a research assistant;
– Kellyane and Marion, as summer research interns;
– Roxane, who began a master’s in neuroscience in the fall;
– Amélie, who began a master’s in rehabilitation sciences in the fall;
– Angéline and Megan, research interns in the fall;
– Marc-Antoine, Hélène, and Marika, as research assistants in the fall.
- We completed data collection for the EEG-TMS project (ElectroStim, funded by NSERC) led by Pascale! A total of 28 participants were recruited, with 25 completing all stages, representing 80 sessions of 3-hour TMS and EEG recordings! Pascale will begin data analysis in January.
- Data analysis is underway for 7 projects.
- We continued data collection for our large NeuroSPiN project, funded by CIHR.
- We launched a new project on speech production and aging, in collaboration with Professor Édith Durand from UQTR. More updates coming soon!
- Overall, we welcomed 146 unique participants to our lab, for a total of 324 sessions (most participants visited the lab more than once, and some participated in more than one project):
– 131 participants completed one or more of the three visits planned for the NeuroSPiN project: 131 Visit 1s (cognitive assessment), 72 Visit 2s (EEG), and 61 Visit 3s (MRI) (264 sessions in total);
– 15 participants completed one or more visits for the ElectroStim project (56 sessions in total);
– 4 participants took part in our new project on speech production and aging (1 session per participant).
- A new project, MELODIC, is under development and will begin in summer 2025. More updates soon!

- We published 25 original blog posts, with contributions from several of our graduate students (Valérie, David, Alexandre, Roxane, and Amélie) to support our knowledge mobilization efforts.
- We were delighted to welcome 104 new followers to our Facebook page, increasing from 1,391 to 1,485! Thank you all for your interest in the lab!
- As an Associate Editor for the international journal Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (MIT Press), Pascale handled 48 manuscripts. Pascale is also serving as Associate Editor for a special issue of the international journal Neurobiology of Language. The main challenge remains finding reviewers!
- Pascale continued her role as Graduate Research Program Director at the School of Rehabilitation for a fourth year and maintained her involvement as co-lead of the “Linguistic and Musical Plasticity” axis within the Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBLM).

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made these achievements possible! 🙏
We would like to warmly thank all the members of the lab for their hard work and exemplary dedication throughout the year. A big thank you also to our participants, our research collaborators (especially Carol Hudon, Andréanne Sharp, Joël Macoir, Simona Brambati, Brad Postle, Marc Sato, Edith Durand, Maxime Perron, Pascale Bédard, and Alexis Piéplu), the staff at CERVO, Université Laval, and everyone else who, directly or indirectly, contributed to the advancement of our projects. Your support and involvement make all the difference. Thank you, everyone! 🌟We hope 2025 will be just as productive and enjoyable as 2024!
Suggested readings :
- New scientific article about the history of the neurobiology of speech and language
- New scientific article about the impact of singing on articulation
- New Scientific Article on the Impact of Singing on Brain Networks
- Speech Perception in Noise: Facilitatory Mechanisms of the Peripheral Auditory System
- Combining MRI and EEG with brain stimulation: An ambitious project!
- Snapshots during EEG tests
- Pascale presents our work at the “Neurosciences and Music VIII” congress in Helsinki
- Thesis presentation of Valérie
- Welcome to Évelyne
- Winter news
- The team is growing: new recruits and significant departures
- NeuroSPiN Project—Start of Data Collection
- Arrival of Edith
- International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- Pascale holder of a Canada Research Chair 🇨🇦
- SSHRC Grant