Review of the year 2022

The new year is an opportunity to make resolutions, but also to take stock of the one that has just ended.
Over the past year, while students have taken courses at Université Laval on responsible conduct in research, theories and issues in rehabilitation, pedagogy, and dissertation preparation, Marilyne taught a Cognitive Neuroscience of Language course, and Pascale taught or collaborated in the teaching of 5 courses while directing the master’s and doctoral programs in rehabilitation sciences.
However, most of our work was done at the CERVO Brain Research Centre in our lab, which is a real anthill! Thus, in addition to the academic activities named above, the scientific achievements of our team in 2022 are multiple.
We share with you a short summary of our main achievements of the year:
- We have published 6 scientific articles in international scientific journals and 2 are currently under review;
- We have been working on the writing of 4 other articles which will be submitted shortly;
- We set up our new EEG platform thanks to NSERC funding, and developed and started our first EEG study;
- We worked on 10 projects involving MRI, TMS, EEG, tests of cognition, hearing, speech, voice and language, and a survey. More precisely:
- We collected data for 5 new projects
- We met 115 volunteers and carried out with them a total of 219 experimental sessions;
- We carried out analyzes within the framework of 4 projects
- We have started the development of our major CIHR project (“NeuroSPiN” project);
- Pascale has obtained 4 grants for research projects:
- 2 as Principal Investigator (CIHR, MITACS)
- 2 as a co-applicant (SSHRC with Andréanne Sharp and QBIN with our alumni Edith Durand);
- Pascale has prepared and submitted 3 funding applications that are currently being evaluated (SSHRC, NSERC, CFI);
- The students of the lab obtained 5 excellence scholarships (CIHR, FRQS, CRLBM and Université Laval);
- The students of the lab have submitted 4 scholarship applications which are currently being evaluated;
- Pascale gave 2 guest lectures and was invited to join the editorial team of the prestigious Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (JOCN);
- The students of the lab made 10 scientific presentations;
- Pascale and Marilyne organized a symposium at ACFAS;
- Pascale organized an internship for First Nations youth in partnership with the Fondation Nouveaux Sentiers(the internship will take place in January 2023), and began preparing for the next scientific day of the Quebec Bio-Imaging Network, which will be held for the first time in Quebec City in 2023.
- Pascale gave 5 media interviews;
- We developed and launched our new website (thanks to Dominik and Karyne from Concepts K!);
- We published 34 original capsules on our Facebook page and our blog (French and English), including the lab’s promotional video and our first comic strip! A big thank you to Marilyne!
- A student from the lab has obtained her master’s degree: Elisabeth;
- We welcomed 7 new members:
- At the end of the year, the whole team carried out a thorough cleaning of the lab!
The year has been busy! A big thank you to the whole team who worked hard to accomplish all this -and much more- in only 365 days