Arrival of Camille

A new international graduate research intern, Camille, is joining our lab for the winter 2022 semester!
Camille studies cognitive and clinical neuropsychology at the Université de Strasbourg in France. Her internship in Quebec will be shared between two laboratories, ours and that of Professor Carol Hudon, a cognitive aging specialist at Université Laval.
To get to know Camille, we asked her a few questions about her research interests:
Q – What do you like about research?
My interest in research lies in my will to better understand complex cognitive phenomena, from their neurophysiological substrates to the networking of cerebral structures, and the final behaviour. In this way, a precise and complete analysis of a behaviour will allow to grasp the various aftereffects of an alteration in a specific cerebral network, but also mechanisms of compensation, and their potentiation by means of specialized technical tools such as TMS. Diversity is, in my opinion, a major aspect of research. It allows us to reach objectives that are both complex in terms of fundamental knowledge and more adapted to the patients’ concerns.
Q – Why are you interested in our lab’s research work?
Studies that are conducted in the laboratory combine the field of cognitive neuroscience as well as rehabilitation sciences. This multidisciplinarity allows to draw a continuum between fundamental research and the improvement of the clinical practice. The laboratory’s objectives are multiple and intertwined because they aim to understand how cerebral structures involved in the production of language manage to produce and perceive a sound, but also how they evolve and change as experiences go by, in different periods of life. All this evolves towards different objectives: to understand the origins of a fundamental component of our identity, i.e., language, and to enrich knowledge on a complex and mysterious domain which we nevertheless use every day, and finally to explore its impairment in acquired or degenerative pathologies by means of innovative evaluation and stimulation tools.
Camille, we hope you will enjoy your internship with us, as well as your stay in Canada. Welcome!
Further readings: