PICCOLO Project in Images. Part One: Impacts on Articulation

We are pleased to present the first in a series of infographics!
These infographics, created by Alexandre Sicard, a PhD student in our lab, aim to showcase the key findings of our extensive research project on the effects of musical practice on cognition, language, and the brain (the PICCOLO project, which stands for : Project on the Impact of Instrument or Singing Practice on Cognition, Language, and Brain Organization [in French : Projet de recherche sur les effets de la Pratique d’un Instrument ou du Chant sur la COgnition, le Langage et l’Organisation cérébrale]).
In this first infographic, we highlight the results of the first study published as part of this project. This study, conducted by Pascale Tremblay, Lydia Gagnon, Alison Arseneault, and our collaborator Johanna-Pascale Roy, compares the articulatory and phonatory abilities of our group of singers to those of our control group.
Discover how singers differ from non-singers by exploring our infographic.
Click on the infographic to view it in a larger format. You can also download it as a PDF by clicking here.
To learn more about this study, check out our blog post on the topic or read the scientific article itself. Enjoy!
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