Scientific sources

Some specialized scientific search engines
Search engine | Description | Link |
Pubmed | Scientific articles in biomedical sciences | |
Psychinfo | Scientific articles in psychology | |
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts | Scientific articles in linguistics | |
Cinahl | Scientific articles in rehabilitation | |
Isidore | Search engine providing access to digital data in the humanities and social sciences (HSS) | |
Google scholar | Google service that allows for the search of scientific publications (peer-reviewed or not), academic theses, citations, and scientific books | |

Database | Description | Link |
CorpusUL | Institutional repository of Université Laval; it catalogs and provides access to the scientific output of researchers from Université Laval | |
CARL-ABRC | List of all Canadian institutional repositories, organized by province | |
HAL | Multidisciplinary open archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific articles and theses, originating from French or foreign teaching and research institutions | |
DOAJ | Directory of Open Access Journals. It provides access to the full text of thousands of open access journals across a variety of fields | |
DOAB | Directory of Open Access Books. Directory of thousands of open access book titles. Contains peer-reviewed books published by academic publishers | |
ArXiv | Database of scientific articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics | |
Persée | Portal for the dissemination of scientific publications, primarily in humanities and social sciences, but also in earth and environmental sciences (full text and open access) | |
Érudit | Search engine allowing access to digital data in the humanities and social sciences | |
Les classiques des sciences sociales | Digital library providing free access to French-language works in the social sciences and humanities |